The scariest moment

Another Monday is here again! Hello Clovers! My advice for this week is to do one of those things you’ve been putting off since like forever. It’s time to put your Nike gear on and just do it

Start now, why put it off till tomorrow? Sometimes, I guess starting something new can be a little scary

But don’t let that fear hold you back.

“The scariest moment is always just before you start”

Stephen King

You may have a long list of things you want to do (just like me), so here’s a tip. Pick just one perhaps the easiest one or if you’re unsure, pick the next thing on the list and start it. It’s ok if you don’t have it all figured out at the beginning. Sometimes you learn on the job, that means you can also learn as you’re doing what you want (but aleast have some ideas or goals, don’t go into things blindly).

I have wanted to start a blog for a long time but I kept procrastinating. It seemed like so much work and thinking about it now, it was probably because I wanted a blog on fashion, lifestyle, health, technology, arts and literature (I pretty much wanted to cover every aspect of STEM with art and literature, don’t laugh at me. I was just very excited and interested in way too many things, in everything).

But look, here I am with my poetry blog ( though I’d still try to find a way to add some of the others like fashion and health later). Truth be told, I don’t know the first thing about blogging, but the whole concept for me was to share some of my thoughts in form of writing especially with poetry.

Consistency was a major issue when I first started and it will always be if you’re a procrastinator (yeah but I must say that I tried posting 30 days consecutively in March and it wasn’t so easy but I eventually pulled it off and I hope I can do that this month too). I have been kinda putting myself under pressure this year doing things I want sooner rather than later.I even decided to pay for my blog’s domain at the start of the year which kinda felt like a little achievement to me (remember to celebrate your small wins too). It’s honestly feels like a drag sometimes

But it’s up to you to decide if it’s worth it at the end. Till next time! Cheers to the week ahead!

Published by The grey clover

Welcome to The grey clover. My name is Mayowa. I'm a physiotherapy student. I am also a lover of Literature, Arts, Science and technology. I have several interests which includes writing poetry, photography, fashion designing and there are still much more things I hope to learn. Thanks for stopping by!

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