Unlocking your potential; quote of the week

Welcome to a brand new week Clovers! Let’s talk about personal excellence. It has no threshold of measurement. It is basically you striving to do nothing other than the best every day, leaving no room for regrets, enjoying life’s moment as it comes! Personal excellent is all about unlocking your potential. Give it your bestContinue reading “Unlocking your potential; quote of the week”

Growth must be chosen #quoteoftheweek

Hi Clovers! It’s a new week, you know the drill so let’s get to it. This week, we’re going to discuss our growth so far. How much improvements have you noticed in yourself this year? It could be physical or psychological. Your “glow up” phase, goes on every day whether you like it or not.Continue reading “Growth must be chosen #quoteoftheweek”

Keep your face towards the sunshine: Quote of the week

Hi Clovers! Wherever you may be this week, I hope you’re happy and at peace. If anything tries to make it otherwise, don’t give in. Just keep calm and don’t loose yourself. This week, I want you guys to focus on the positive. Always look on the bright side where the sunlight shines. The shadowsContinue reading “Keep your face towards the sunshine: Quote of the week”

Resolution to succeed: Quote of the week

Hello Clovers! It’s another week to be embraced with enthusiasm. Do not dwell on the failures or things you didn’t achieve last week. This is the time to make amends. This week, I want you to make up your mind on one thing. Your success. Believe that you will succeed. If you have to convinceContinue reading “Resolution to succeed: Quote of the week”

Quote of the week: hope is a good thing

Hello Clovers! It’s been a minute. I surely hope you had a splendid weekend. New week, new goals to set. Achieved any of your goals yet? If not, don’t feel down. You’ve got the rest of this year to work something out. Start before this month ends, start this week, start today, start now andContinue reading “Quote of the week: hope is a good thing”

How to burn the pain #quoteoftheweek

Welcome back Clovers! I know a majority of people don’t look forward to Mondays but it’s here now and you have to get on with it. Our environment and people around us contribute to our feelings, emotions and perception of things. Stay around a lot of optimists and after a while that, you may catchContinue reading “How to burn the pain #quoteoftheweek”

Chasing happiness. #Quote of the week

Welcome back Clovers! I hope you don’t find things too overwhelming as life goes on. If you do, just take it one step at a time. Baby steps, ok? I’ve had back to back exams throughout the last week and it was quite a hectic one for me. Nevertheless, exams come and go just likeContinue reading “Chasing happiness. #Quote of the week”

Bad vibes, bad energy stay far away

Hi Clovers, it’s another week to be excited about! If you don’t think there is anything to be excited about, take a step back and look at one thing you’re grateful for or what makes you happy. Stay away from negativity You should certainly not allow bad vibes around you. Avoid them and have theContinue reading “Bad vibes, bad energy stay far away”

Quote of the week: Drop the unnecessary baggage if you want to go far

Hello Clovers!! I hope you have been gaining a thing or two so far from the usual Monday posts? If not, hang in there with me for a little while. Feeling a little anxious? Don’t be! Today I just want to talk about how we often let anxiety take control of our actions. It’s mundaneContinue reading “Quote of the week: Drop the unnecessary baggage if you want to go far”

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